my hair : my website’s layout :: my handwriting : my singing
i’ll elaborate on that later
Comic Books, Drag Race, & Life in New Zealand
by krisis
my hair : my website’s layout :: my handwriting : my singing
i’ll elaborate on that later
by krisis
Two things i was reminded of in the last 10 minutes: 1 – Ani DiFranco’s voice is recorded so clearly on Not So Soft that you hear it rather than the underlying rhythm of a song when you turn the volume down very low. 2 – Microsoft products highlight in the most backwards, idiotic, and counter-intuitive fashion possible. But, that’s par for the course, really.
by krisis
I think i may begin to use this little place as a breeding ground for other things. For example, i usually work from my aforementioned draft folder in Messenger on almost everything from research papers to posts for shafted. I am trying to get away from that practice, so that i am not reliant on the crash infested Netscape for all of my writing. For now this might act as a workshop for developing posts for Shafted, the essay part of the Crush section, or something else entirely. For example, i think i am going to post that little nugget of love about Viktor to Shafted in a few minutes. However, every post i make to Shafted has a picture and a song lyric to accompany it, so i’ve got to go find something about socks…
by krisis
With exactly one week until i move into my apartment, i would like to re-emphasize that i HATE my current roommate Viktor. At first i just thought i was having some culture-clash issues with him, but after an entire season of togetherness i now know that he is an inconsiderate, smelly fuck (while i am only an unmotivated, sedentary, territorial bitch). Two particular items bothered me today, both in the “i do them too, but you do them worse” category. 1 – My dear roommate left his socks on the floor. Now, i leave my socks everywhere, but not only were they on the floor, but they were sitting right under our HVAC unit. Futhermore, these socks were the nastiest socks i have ever witnessed, and i didn’t even want to nudge them with my foot. So, while Viktor was out and about for the day, i had the smell of his feet to comfort me. 2 – I listen to music. Viktor listens to the radio. Big difference. Another big difference would be that Viktor turns on the radio whenever he walks into the room and leaves it on until i get up and turn it off, whereas i turn down my music to a whisper when he first walks in. The kicker is that Viktor turns the radio on when he gets up around 8am, which happens to be two hours before i get up on days i don’t have work. In comparison, he just asked me to turn down my already lowered Ani DiFranco cd because he is “sleeping now.” Happily, this form of psychological torture for the fair and rational will only continue for one more week. And believe me, i am overjoyed.
by krisis
Netscape just crashed. I am utterly unsuprised. I’m not sure if the problem is Netscape itself or the Talkback program it launches after a crash, but i get an Ilegal Operation every time that absolutely won’t go away. Furthermore, the IllegalOp makes it impossible to CTRL-ALT-DELETE, which means i am just plain old stuck with any further problems. If it wasn’t for the fact that MSIEX has too many backwards “features” and a horrible email client, i might actually consider using it.