So, Gina and I attended a Weezer concert last night. Weezer is one of the few bands left from the mid-90’s who still garner mad respect, despite releasing their last album more than four years ago. So, i wasn’t sure what to expect from the show. My expectations were a lot of new songs, a slightly older audience than i run into at most other shows in Philly, and some fun. Well, i was only right in one respect, but i’ll get to that. Fresh from the coffee shop, i arrived at chez Gina, and we decided to grab some takeout and then sprint for line outside the TLA. We did just that, and found (much to our surprise) that the line to get into this tiny venu extended around the side of the block and down an alley. Along the way, we were offered money, sex, larger amounts of money, and forks for our tickets. I’ll explain that last bit in a second. Apparently, Weezer sold out a lot fast than even Gina had thought, and in the process had left a lot of fans out in the cold. As for the forks, it turned out that our chinese takeout food came with nothing that even resembled utensils other than fortune cookies, which i quickly proceeded to eat with. We stood there eating from paper cartons with cookies for quite a while.