Right now i am burning an “Under My Skin” cd single to deliver along with a newly burned copy of my ever popular demo other plans. The single contains eight versions of “UMS,” plus three bonus tracks [one of which hasn’t even made it onto the website]. I’m doing this because the version of “UMS” on the demo is, well, horrible, and that’s the favourite song of the person i’m giving a demo to tonight. In a quickly put together, last ditch effort to save myself from embarrasment, i decided to throw together the maxi-single. What’s cool is that it’s only taking 20 minutes all told, including renaming all the tracks to reflect which version of the song they are, and burning the cd itself. What power i have! Anyhow, i hope she finds at least one of the versions of the song satisfactory [at least, until the next album arrives, since “UMS” is the frontrunner for the title track].