Right now my hair is bothering me a bit. Sure, it looked cute when i got it all chopped off last month. But, my hair grows at highly irregular speeds so now it has managed to crawl back into my eyes. The cool golden frost that was left over from when i lightened my hair in march just now looks like a nasty blond as the brown from underneath it shows through. The sides of my head, which were nearly shaved when i first got the cut, are now at a shag-carpet-like length where they refuse to point in one direction all at once. And, the back of my head (which only tenuously connected to the rest of my haircut to begin with) doesn’t seem to be able to do anything but act as a calic the size of a porcupine. I do not like to get regular trims, so i’ll just need to deal with this haircut until it grows enough to style more efficiently.
Why don’t i like to get trims? I feel like it’s a waste. It’s a waste of money since with my hair i need a trim every month or so, and it’s a waste of time because you can never get anywhere new if you keep going shorter and shorter.