I might not say that song which have fallen out of my favour are “shit,” but i would certainly stop playing them at shows in a blink of an eye. My list of old setlists (from just playing around the house) reveals how a songs popularity can rise and fall. “Touch” debuted as a mid-set song which got played every time, moved soon to be an opener, than moved to the more important status of closer. On my demo it was awarded the important spot adjacent to “Other Plans,” though on my first demo “Other Plans” was the song that had the luck to be adjacent to “Touch”. Recently i’ve played “Touch” so little that i almost forget the words. I would hardly reccomend it as a vital listen to any of my newer friends, most of whom have never heard it outside of my demo. New songs have stepped up to fill it’s emotional place in my sets, new people have replaced the one the song was written about, new lyrics express my feelings better, new arrangements are more advanced, and recordings of newer songs sound more vital. Now i choose “Under My Skin” over “Touch” every time. I wonder what (and who) will replace “Under My Skin?” Time will tell the tale.