I always try to visit whoever is in the top ten of PowerBlogger, and often they’re slightly new blogs who are excited about moving up the P.B list one place at a time. And, i sorta feel bad, because on days like yesterday they obviously weren’t going to get past May and I in the top 2 slots. I mean, i got there honestly, without cheating or playing with my layout or anything; i simply made a lot of (long) posts yesterday. But, i remember how much i despised SurviverBlog and Zannah at first because they were always the top two blogs. Of course, on my first day i tied Survivor, and the next day i beat them. I suppose the moral is that if people really wanted to be #1, they’d figure out a way to do it. Ho-Hum. Does anyone want to write a paper about Plato? Uck, and i’ve got to record a Trio, don’t i. Uck…
by krisis