I think i might start compulsively lying and making up stuff to make this more interesting. It just makes me a bit queasy thati get online and just spill all the contents of my head out onto my keyboard. It’s messy. And, crushing krisis has apparently become the behind the scenes guide to my life, since quite a few of my friends read it to catch up on what they missed and then talk to me about it. I’m actually okay with that, as opposed to some journalers who run screaming from their server when their real friends find them out. What disturbs me is that this is so banal now that my friends read it to catch up. It’s become just a pale reflection of my already pale life. Which means, those out in internet-land can’t be having too much fun reading it. Or maybe they are; humans are nothing if not voyeurs, and this is the perfect window to through which you can see me naked. And my ass isn’t even that nice…
by krisis