Or maybe i’m wrong. I’ve spent years now learning and teaching my peers about HIV / AIDS, and really this is the first season in half a decade i’ve spent totally removed from such a community. Is it any less in my thoughts? No, not at all. I’ve known people who have died from aids, and met some of the bravest people in the world who live with the disease. In fact, if statistics are to be believed, i have at least three or four friends who suffer from HIV or will in the near future. Of course, i pray to myself that the statistics are as wrong as statistics tend to be, but i suppose i’ll hardly ever know until it’s much too late. Maybe silence is a way to show how AIDS effects your world, but it isn’t the way to show how it has effected mine. But, no matter how it’s changed you, i encourage you to support World AIDS day as well, even if it’s just by wearing a tiny red ribbon. They aren’t as fashionable as they used to be, but red will be in season until HIV is not.
by krisis