The reason i had been putting off my German History paper for so long is because i just don’t feel like i know enough to write it. In fact, i am extremely attentive in that class and take incredibly comprehensive notes, but the scope of the paper (1900-1933) makes me feel as though i’ll certainly be missing out on some important details. So, i first missed the initially turn-in date, but everyone knows that this professor always allows a weekend for late papers without taking anything off. Monday rolled around as the new due date, and i still lacked a completed paper, so i skipped class (a mistake; missing a day of notes is not worth the exchange for the embarrassment of not having a paper to turn in, and i could have reasoned with my professor). So, now i’m turning in my paper over a week after its original due date, and it isn’t any better for all the time i’ve been putting it off. I got an 88% on the first paper, which should give me every reason to think i’m gonna kick this one’s ass, but i’m still deathly afraid of it even as i write the first two pages effortlessly. *fear*
by krisis