Take me with you, my dear, take me with you. I’m off to try to stop that from happening right now. Wish u(.)s(.) some luck.
by krisis
Comic Books, Drag Race, & Life in New Zealand
by krisis
Take me with you, my dear, take me with you. I’m off to try to stop that from happening right now. Wish u(.)s(.) some luck.
by krisis
Link stolen from Meg: evolution of an internet life, sorta. The last paragraph is incredible.
by krisis
Thanx for explaining it! My roommate was wrong and i was (sorta) right! Well, righter than he was, at least.
by krisis
Anyhow, obviously i’m getting less and less literate as the hours tick. I am trés excited about the developments surrounded my soon-to-be-recorded disc. So, errr… now i’m off to read Nietzsche and get some sleep. Yes, i’m a big fuckin’ academic like that. But, seriously, Nietzsche is incredible … just read his preface to on the genealogy of morality one day. Yum. bedtime.
by krisis
Wow, in Australia you get fined if you don’t vote. That rocks! All that money could be put towards campaign finance!