However, Rachel is definitely just as neat with her weird new haircut and her newfound buddy-syndrome with Joey! It’s cool because Rachel is still Rachel, but in a way she’s sorta Chandler-esque as well. Ross, however, is now totally out of the loop with Monica engaged (to Chandler) and Rachel not really caring either way (and living with Joey). So, really, the only pairing left is Ross and Phoebe, which is too dippy of a combination to bear on a consistent basis. Chandler with glasses is sorta neat, though. And they’ve all lost weight, except for Monica, who looks sexier now that she has the longer hair! Oh dear jesus… Santa (who wants to learn about Hanukkah), Superman (who flew all the Jews out of Egypt), and an (Holiday) Armadillo (who’s half jewish). And Monica’s edging towards Santa’s lap. And i still love this show more than life itself!
by krisis