So… this week there’ll be a Trio… i’m just not sure of what magnitude. I missed it two weeks ago because i was busy packing and cleaning, and i missed it last week because i was at home. But, aside from not being around to record it, i’ve sorta hit an impass with the songs themselves. You see, i’ve played every song that wanted to be played without interspersing enough filler, so now i feel as though i either need to write new songs, play filler, or repeat some old ones. And i really don’t want to do any of that. Out of my 100+ compositions, i think it’s fair to say that i wrote a decent 33%, and from that third of the songs there’s only a few left. That’s not to say that all of my other songs are crap, but they just aren’t as solid or well thought out as the others, partially because i never had enough time to develop them. So… there will be a concert this week… it’s just the content that’s up in the air.
by krisis