I had the most incredibly strange but entirely fun dreams last night… one of those dreams that changes subjects again and again but still retains a certain amount of central coherency. Isn’t it funny how dreams can turn at the drop of a dime? One minute you’re battling an evil witch and the next she’s your beautiful wife and instead of holding a broom she’s holding the hand of what appears to be your child, ya know? Anyhow, my dream was rockin’. {long incoherent dream edited out for the benefit of the reader}
As it turned out, it was kryptonite, or at least whatever the kryptonite to my pseudo-superboy would be. I laid helplessly on the floor while the producer informed me “that your contract is up.” And, so, i woke up.
[…] I’ve followed Kate’s lead and delved into some CK written from the old apartment, and it’s downright odd. I don’t remember writing like i did then – in constant fits and starts, or even thinking like that. Now every single post either sends me into a fit of laughter or a state of quiet contemplation, and sometimes both consecutively. And, though i’m sure it’s very amusing and thought-provoking on its own (heh), the highlights for me definitely connect to having been there when they were written… remembering how many times i fell to the ground in a fit of hysterical laughter on this night of drinking with Aim, laughing out loud at the nearly psychic advice doled out in this post, and remembering to read the commented out dream in this one, which i easily recollected almost blow for blow. As much as i love making other people think, or laugh, or sing along, i think the best part of this is often just looking back and seeing exactly what i was like on a certain day nearly two years ago. It’s truly worth the effort. […]