I tend to move about a year or so behind big web trends. For example, i held off from using frames as a main design element until 1998, when they had already become quite passé. Similarly, i only utilize minimal amounts of JS, just recently began to use tables to better define my pages’ space, and now have begun to use Server Side Includes. Fun, aren’t i? Part of the issue is that i usually hang onto an old browser until the new version becomes the web-standard so that i’m not tempted to immediately design above the display abilities of the browsers that visit me. Being a former Netscape enthusiast (until it outright wouldn’t work and displayed every page i liked to read incorrectly) i never was too aquainted with the beautiful effects of Cascading Style Sheets because Netscape doesn’t display them correctly. Of course, by now any web designer with half a brain is using CSS whereas i can just barely understand what they’re up to when i check out the code. In the end this is all a facet of my DIY (do it yourself) stubborness; i almost totally refuse to let other people lay a hand on my web designs as much as i shun other people’s input into my music. Sure, i might get better even faster if i would open myself up to direct influence more often, but then i would lose the right to claim that my work was all my own. As it is, when someone complements me on this site i know that the only person to thank is me (well.. the folks at blogger as well, but that’s a given) in the same way that i’m the only person to be credited for the overwhelming majority of my songs. So, if you had ever wondering why i’m just a backwards redneck about webdesign, that’s why. Have a nice day.
by krisis