Cast Parties are notoriously highly drunken incidents where approximately one fifth of those in attendance make an absolutely spectacle of themselves and don’t ever live it down. I always make sure to make a spectacle of myself so that i’ll always live in infamy,… at least until the next party. Last night was pretty tame, mostly because all of the Freshmen got their big first-time-drunk experience out of the way already, and everyone else was still recovering from New Year’s. As a testament to the amount of responsibility that was occurring, no one got flagged until past 3am, which isn’t such a bad time to be flagged. True to form, i made sure that i would be reminded about the party every day in the weeks to come. I’m almost afraid to go on instant messenger, because i’ll be deluged by comments from whoever’s on. Of course, they’re probably still all sleeping off their hangovers :p
by krisis