So, i’ve decided it’s nearly impossible to write a good song anymore. To start with, my guitar hates me. Suddenly it’s holding a tune like it never had before, but it’s intonation is all buzzy and weird and it makes me think i need a new bridge/saddle. Meanwhile, to write a good song you need some sort of central phrase or imagery; a song that just starts and ends without saying anything is a boring song. But, do you know how hard it is to come up with that sort of thing without it being contrived? Phrases like “i’ve got you under my skin,” “you don’t make sense,” & “you are in high relief” came to me in sudden golden moments of inspiration that i could never replicate, and they serve as excellent central metaphors for a song. Without such a theme you’d be left with one of those lamely vague DMB songs that just locomotes by sheer force of guitar kinetics before finally collapsing down upon it’s lack of content.
Meanwhile, writing music is something else entirely. I lately have found it much easier to write music after working out lyrics only because none of the music i write is hook-y enough to lead me to generate lyrics for it out of mid air. So, yeah, i have tons of feelings i want to put down on paper, and lots of paper, but it’s just not working out.