Josh: Hmm…I always thought your blog was for allusions to things that most people know nothing about…it’s like watching a TV show muted, and then seeing “To be continued.”
He’s so right…
Comic Books, Drag Race, & Life in New Zealand
by krisis
Josh: Hmm…I always thought your blog was for allusions to things that most people know nothing about…it’s like watching a TV show muted, and then seeing “To be continued.”
He’s so right…
by krisis
So, yeah… there’s a small problem which cropped up last night, having to do with a mouse. I seem to have a mouse, you see. As we’ve been over previously, i am not especially fond of rodents when they’re running rampantly around my apartment. Yes, it means i should probably clean more. Yes, i know it’s definitely more afraid of me than i am of it. Frankly, i don’t really care anything at all for rationality, which was my motivation last night while i stood on my chair with my keyboard in one hand pecking out an “SOS” message on instant messenger. Three minutes later i left the apartment (and matt) to fend for themselves against our evil mousey foe and took off at a jog for where i’d be staying the night. It was mouseless. I slept through my first class, but i didn’t mind so much, because i knew my toes wouldn’t be nibbled off if i let my guard down. Ah, how i love security…
by krisis
It was raining when i walked out of the building, down on campus. A dull light rain. I didn’t really expect it, but i didn’t really mind either. It sort of calmed me as it blanketed the world in its uniform gray. As i walked north towards my apartment, tiny raindrops began to crystallize into the smallest and most perfect snow flurries i’ve ever seen. They dusted my hair and jacket until by the time i rounded my corner i was fully coated and sparkling. I wonder if it’s still raining down on campus? Or, if i came outside just in time to see the snow begin to fall. Stuff like that keeps my mind at play…
by krisis
Wow. Matt and I are both in the apartment at the same time. And the teevee is on! I was napping hard-core earlier and managed to ditch some of my throat issues, but then i had to jog to rehearsal only to find out that i didn’t have rehearsal and instead was a huge idiot. Ack. Anyhow, it’s sorta nice for us to both just be sitting here at the same time… it sorta brings me back to real life. Which is not where i’ve been within the last week.
by krisis
Eek! A scary russian kid from my high school just sat down next to me in the lounge and leered his creepy “i-know-you” grin at me. Thank god these laptops are totally mobile while still retaining their connections…!