For some reason “Other Plans” decided to make a comeback today. I must have played it three times to every one repetition of any newer stuff.
It’s funny how i can never tell which of my older songs i’ll develop a sudden interest in; for a while there “Bridge” was the be-all end-all of my musical life, but suddenly (on it’s two-year anniversary, i might add) it has become rather unappealing and i’ve moved on to the next big hit in my discography. Even more frightening: June marks the three-year birthday of “World in My Hand.” Jesus H Christ… my songs are getting old. Watching your own children grow up couldn’t be any worse … because at least children can change and evolve on their own. Songs…. songs just sit there and look all depressed until you do something new to them. Like a discarded rubiks cube. Sometimes you can stare at one of those things for hours and get nowhere, but other times you just pick it up and get halfway to the solution.
Of course… i’ve never solved a rubiks cub – what does that have to say about my little songwriting analogy?