So, i arrive at the party and have a drink made for me, because i’m a social drinker and i drink socially. Near the bottom of the drink, she showed up (not that i begrudged her the party, because they’re her friends too, but i didn’t think she was coming). What ensued was a hilarious competition to see who could get more hammered and have more lamentable flirtations in order to make the other person feel even worse. Of course, i kept on nursing the same drinks for most of the night, and i had instructed the entire party to make her virgin drinks so she only got a shot or two into her the whole time. So, i was blissfully numb and she was trying to be totally wrecked even though she wasn’t. And she slapped me a few times. But i’m sure i deserved it. Every few seconds of interaction there was actually a glimmer of that friendly smile – and that’s all i really want, at this point.
by krisis