But, anyway, back to sex. It isn’t worth it, honestly. First off, i don’t trust birth control pills one bit. Sure, they’re over 90% effective when used correctly, but between human error and that remaining 10% they’re basically just useful for clearing up your skin and keeping your cycle regular. Condoms are also highly effective… over 98% when used correctly and with spermicide. Yet, nearly every couple whose sex-life i’ve been privy to has had a condom failure of some kind, whether it was their fault or not.
And then there is emotion. Sure, sex feels nice (or so i hear), but how many people do you really want to be entangled with on that level, physically or emotionally. Because, no matter what reasoning you assign or what protection you use, every time you have sex you’re not only agreeing to risk swapping rather vital bodily fluids, but you’re also entering into the contract of parenthood. If you play it safe, chances are that you’ll never have to step up to the plate on either of those charges, but they’re both the kind of thing that can forever alter a life.
Or maybe i’ve been a peer counselor long enough to be scared of everything and to know better than commit careless human error. Either way… it isn’t worth it. At least, i don’t think it is. Of course, i haven’t had any of it so i don’t suppose i’m qualified to make a decision for you, but you’ve got my opinion on it.
I’ll shut up now. Really, i will…