Some business: A) Huge congrats to Marissa, the newest cool chick to win a Survivor-Based WebGame. Despite accusations that she won by baring the most flesh the most often, i can honestly say that i found Marissa entertaining from my first sighting of her, and i think she was very deserving of the win. Now onto more PuppetMaster, where i’m currently splitting color-commentator duties with the illustrious Bertie, queen of all things sBlog. Being the peanut gallery for PM is fun, because i always have something to blog as long as the contestants are acting up; it has nothing to do with my own motivation. B) I am very gracious for the link from Prosiac, a wonderfully cleanly designed website that found me over at PM. Next, redesign related-links were blogged by sBlog2’s Josi and Matt Pollard (who’s probably linked me more times than any other page i read). Also, please go give Dane’s new log a day or two of your attention. Dane was pinch-blogging for Mollie of Book of Days while she was on vacation, and is also a frequent commenter at Rabi’s and a newly accepted student at Drexel. Finally, to finish up in the gratitude category, Tom from Nothing is the third sponsor of the 25/24 project (the other two being the ladies that the latter two links led to).
by krisis