The loins of my beloved highschool seem to have produced yet another blogger in Brendan, who has all of that tech cred i keep attempting to gain but isn’t even going to school to put it to good use. To prove how collectively demented and omnisexual our highschool made us when it comes to being starfucking gradegrubbing whores, here’s a snippet of conversation about the aforementioned attending of next year’s SxSW:
Brendan: I don’t know where I’d stay. It wouldn’t matter, though; I’d be, like, “Oooh, cool internet people! They’re almost like celebrities!”
Me: Yeah, well, my goal is to be on the verge of celebrity by then, and then just pretend to be (Ernie/KevRock)’s boywhore until everyone starts to notice me
Brendan: That’d work.
Brendan: I could be Ernie/whomever’s rented armcandy, or something.
There’s my quality pre-collegiate liberal arts education hard at work. I love me those Blue-Ribbon School of Excellence Magnet Schools. Mmm-mmmm good.