Flirting occasionally comes from the most unexpected sources. I could’ve listed to you a handful of girls who i was interested in on new years day, but it wasn’t any of those girls that i wound up with later that month; it was Selina. So, now i have these running lists upon lists of girls who just maybe might be some sort of girl i can connect with, and then someone else comes from relatively out of the blue and i play her songs about Selina and talk about how i was too thin in high school and she tells me i’m dynamic or something. I don’t know anything. This is more time than i’ve spent with Matt ever, and his friend, and this is all very interesting. I’ll have to employ some hindsight tomorrow to talk about it… except will it be hindsight or will it be some sort of midsight? I don’t know. I’m tired. Goodnight.
by krisis