09. Girls are violent sometimes, and they don’t always mean to be. Waitresses in Tori’s world will kill to keep their tips, and blankettes are visicious clawed nymphs tearing at each other’s necks. The virtually unaccompanied warm electric piano here feels like a fuzzy blanket, and Tori obliges with soft vocals that are alternatingly clear and throaty with absolutely no support. This is another story like “Time” where she is not passing judgement on anyone, but just changing your perception of the characters within by narrating from the maternal position rather than the fraternal one.
This girl is Tori’s sister in crime, and she “was good as gold.” Suddenly we are reflected back to the last song and wondering if this means anything at all in light of Tori’s mockery of it. Could any girl as good as gold use such a simple excuse as “I Don’t Like Mondays” for her lashing out, or is it that any excuse is good enough for her? As it turns out, some of Tori’s girls are just as fallible as their male counterparts, and they will aim their golden guns wherever they might please regardless of where the blame should be assigned..