So, the party was bland. It’s funny… not doing the play and not being the biggest social butterfly in the world means that none of these crazy new freshmen have the slightest idea of who i am. I introduced myself to one of the major people from the play and she just tilted her head to the side and oozed “Well, it’s very nice to meet you Peter.” In a way it’s all rather amusing, because no one has any context for me, but in an entirely separate way it’s incredibly depressing because everyone is so busy fawning over their usual focuses and on the muscular and busty new players that i am just wallpaper. Flavor. Amusing. It’s not as though i need to be a center of attention, i just prefer not to be invisible.
Are you starting to get the sense that i don’t like parties very much? Good, cause i’ll be on my way out to another one in about an hour. I actually have high hopes for tonight’s soiree… Ross and I sped out of our crew call in the shop to spend more money on liquor than i did on my guitar, and i’ve been drunk once already so far today (more than i can say for last night), and the shindig tonight is a mostly upperclassmen invite-only affair staffed with no beer (well, a little) and a Daylight Saving’s power-hour. Yeah. Should be fun.