So, collaborations.
Tonight’s collection of songs has included a number of collaborations, but i chose to single out these two for what they represent. These two song are about my roommates getting excited weeks ahead of time when i explained the nature of my blogathon project. These two songs are about calling up people and telling them that they should sponsor me without having ever met or read me before in their lives. These two songs are about all of the the laughter in between each and every take.
They’re about the joy i find in creating music, especially with other people. Ziggy was the last song we did tonight, with Jack and i barely keeping a straight face as we adopted our faux British accents and belted above our comfortable ranges; it’s the first time i’ve ever recorded a David Bowie song for my webpage. Basketcase was conceived of weeks ago after Lindsay and i spent a whole day at work listening to Dookie over and and over again. It was the first song with extra vocalists that i recorded with the new mixer, and we hammered away at take after take as Lindsay and Kate broke into giggles and i kept breaking strings. You can hear the laughter – on both tracks, actually – if you listen closely enough.
So, here we are in the last hour. One more song to go. Yikes.