I don’t read enough blogs these days… i feel as though i’m illiterate when it comes down to pencil in all the things that occur to me during the day. As such, i am on a great-blog-hunt for witty writing and fun talented people… and i’ve found that surfing from Blogger’s “10 most recently published blogs” list just helps me find the people who aren’t witty or talented. Do they all use MoveableType now? Anyhow, I will report my findings as i find them.
The first is just a hilarious story on a blog i’ve read before (and some spectacular destop publishing at another). In fact, just about every story is hilarious. Go there. Also, blogged from the link-laden Eclectica, Google’s year-end Zeitgeist… perhaps the best cultural indicator there is? Just one look at the Gaining and Declining queries should tell you. Also, i’m already sick of all this Trent Lott crapola that everyone is blogging about, but through it i discovered Eschaton, which is named after the game in Infinite Jest that makes Quidditch look like pong. Oh, and, i like him (read the starbucks post).