The only lingering symptom of my sickness is that my ears (well, in actuality, my eustachian tubes) are quite filled with the sort of head-cold detritus that helps to usher out something greater, the result being that when i speak it sounds as though my voice is coming from behind a closed door about ten feet behind me. I’m hoping this little issue will clear up on its own, as the only medical solution i’ve found so far involved putting small holes in my eardrum, which i am not in the slightest bit keen on.
Emerging from sickness makes me want to also, in parallel, emerge from mess – partially because i have a medieval belief that little fever imps tend to emerge from mess, but also because the listlessness of sickness tends to invite messiness. (Thus, if you believe in fever imps, sickness is self-perpetuating). I made a solid run at organizing my desk, which had become even more cluttered than usual with the addition of iPod implements. However, as per my usual failed routine, i have become stuck upon my computer.
The impediment is threefold. First, i never finished transferring to my new host at the end of November, because i was worried that I hadn’t quite backed up my hostees files perfectly. Well, now, $60 in redundant hosting later, i find that i don’t particularly care (and i did it twice, anyhow, they’re probably fine). At worst i stand to annoy two particularly good real friends and one particularly favorite net friend by bunging this up, but seeing as they have been staying for free since various points stretching back to 2000, i think they can withstand this one possible disappointment.
(Did i rationalize that well enough?)
The second impediment is that my once shiny-and-new harddrive has nearly reached a state of teeming density between my compulsive music-collecting habits and my impulsive mixing habits. I have been flirting with buying an external harddrive for several months, but after an extensive web-shopping initiative this week i have discovered that for every two good reviews you read about any of them there is at least one about permanent file loss. Seeing as i’m looking to entrust my precious music collection and my irreplaceable mixing to one of these potential-digital-life-wreckers i find i suddenly have the coldest feet possible. Advice appreciated, via email.
Finally, my bookmarks. Oh, my bookmarks. No matter how tidily i try to organize them the web is vastly greater than my organizational acumen. Not to mention the nearly hundreds of links i have flagged for blog inclusion which in fact saw no such limelight.
So yeah, the point of this post was, here comes a bunch of out-of-date linky posts. Have a nice Saturday.