I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), because prior to this incarnation of songwriter-Peter there was a lengthy iteration of fictionwriter-Peter who always was slaving away at the concept for a book or two.
Those days of thinking in character motivations and complete sentences have been eclipsed by chord changes and internal rhyme, and every November when NaNoWriMo comes around I wistfully browse its website, wishing that I could have that high school inspiration back for just a month to churn out a completed novel.
I’d also like to be able to fit into my vinyl pants from high school. We should all have dreams.
Since my novel-writing days would seem to be over, or at least on long-term suspension, I was intrigued by the idea of a parallel National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo), which I found on Fussy roundaboutly via Dooce. NaBloPoMo doesn’t really roll of the tongue like NaNoWriMo, so I have for-short deemed it “Nablo,” if only because “Namblo” just made me think of half of “Rambo” and half of “Nambla”, which as a combined thought was not an entirely pleasant experience.
I might not be able to plot a book liked I used to, but surely I can supply meaningless blather as good as I ever did? I mean, lest we forget, I was the #1 Power Blogger on the entire freaking internet on several occasions, and I Blogathoned 48 posts in 24 hours every summer for three years running. (not to mention I remain the longest running Philly Blogger, and the originator of a singer/songwriter “podcast,” but I digress).
So, here we are on the threshold of November, and I’m going to attempt to make an entry for each day of the month. Some of the entries might be photos, or songs, but somehow, someway, we’re going to make it through this, gentle reader. Somehow.