It’s a new guide exclusively for Patrons of Crushing Krisis – a guide I suspect most of you would have never guessed I’d create: a complete guide to Marvel’s Darkhawk!
This guide covers every Darkhawk appearance in chronological order, from his debut in 1991 to his resurgence with The Runaways and his cosmic adventures in War of Kings.
Patreon has been in the news for all the wrong reasons this week. They’ve bungled the communication about a pretty awful change to their transaction fees. I have a lot of thoughts about that as a creator, a communications professional, and someone whose job it was to analyze the data of venture-backed companies.
Honestly, it’s been hard to keep the “creator” part of me on track the past few days when all I want to do is let the other two parts dissect the problem and wallow like pigs in mud at all of the reactions and press coverage in its wake while worrying that all of my Patrons might quit – leaving me to pay for CK and its many helper tools all on my own (which, if you read yesterday’s post, is kinda hard when you can’t even deposit your freelance checks).
Ultimately, the show must go on. I’ve got to pay a hosting bill at the end of the month regardless of how this Patreon situation works out, and in the meantime I have so many things I want to say and do here that posting daily and maintaining a daily web show barely even cover it.
Which, improbably, included creating a guide to Darkhawk. Who’s next Sleepwalker?! Stay tuned to find out. I haven’t yet determined when this guide will become available to the public, but you could be browsing it tomorrow in exchange for covering $1.99 a month of CK’s hosting expenses.