addendum to previous blog:
ps: go here. mindblowing layout, and who doesn’t love a bitch?
Comic Books, Drag Race, & Life in New Zealand
Krisis has been creating Crushing Krisis since 2000, writing songs since 1996, and reading comics since 1991. He is a Customer Success and Digital Brand Strategy executive, serial organizer, parent, and feminist, among other things. Based in Philly through 2017, he now resides in Wellington, NZ.
by krisis
addendum to previous blog:
ps: go here. mindblowing layout, and who doesn’t love a bitch?
by krisis
oooooo, scariness. I just traipsed my way through scary 12-15 year old girl blog-land. I hadn’t realized young girls were so on the internet, and i say more power to them, but their journals are unbearably scary. I mean, it’s pretentious for me to think that anyone cares about this little project, but at least i’ve had those crucial high-school years to develop all the mental problems that i bitch about now. I was still well adjusted at that age. And what is with the link between estrogen and changing your layout constantly? What is that? The worst part is that they all seem to actually like that bad mtv music that they’re supposed to. ::shudder:: By thirteen i had forsaken music not written by its performer and bought the alanis morissette CD. Obviously we need another alanis! Save us, oh angsty-but-intelligent canadian women!!
Anyhow, i’m gonna go surf around now until i find someone who is bashing my site :P  
by krisis
I discovered in the midst of my near death experience with sarah mclachlan that my singing range has mysteriously increased by a whole step as of today. Which means that i was singing “building a mystery” at my current range, which is a whole step above what i assumed my range was at the time.
This is a significant event because i have a rather low range as compared to my speaking voice. Though i am willing to sing high (and i usually will take high harmony in impromptu all-male singalongs), the octave range i naturally defer to is the C below middle C. Which means generally i don’t get above middle C too often. In fact, my range is more like G to the G under middle C. An example of this is “touch,” which i could probably sing all the way through in the next highest octave.
The only way my range ever gets expanded is when i’m forced to sing along to a song that is above it. Usually doing the trick is Peter Mulvey, who has a range which is somewhat similar to Dave Matthews’ but without all the squeaking. Anyhow, hopefully this isn’t just a figment of my recently feverish existance and instead a permanent enhancement in my singing.
by krisis
by krisis
Falling under the category of things that do not help swollen glands is belting out “Building A Mystery” a whole step above the place where your range totally ends while thrashing away at your guitar hard enough to break strings. Sure, it sounds nice, but your throat won’t thank you for it tomorrow (not to mention how my temperature seems to spike when i hit high notes). Don’t you believe me? I would make you a nice audio file of it, but i should probably go find some pain killers first… yes, pain killers are a high priority.