I’ve finally managed to locate Matt, and we are getting the details straight. So, the day was not a total waste, and now i at least know where i am standing in terms of the apartment. Happily, my rage has died down a bit, so i won’t totally rip the realitor’s face off when i call him about when my lease will be ready.
In other news, i just got email from Anthony down in New Orleans! He just transferred there about two weeks ago, and i am ecstatic to hear that he is doing well there. Now i’ve just got to figure out how i can still have him display his excellent guitar skills on the next demo…
phrase of the week: “dicked over”
As in “I am getting dicked over by everybody today,” or, “at this point i don’t really mind if i dick him over.”
This blog has been brought you by the the letter D (for “dick”), the number 100 (the lowest fever i could possibly be running), and the sound of my HVAC (which currently is not being drowned out by Viktor’s Adult Contemporay radio station because his radio is gone!)
scribble.nu is like a slow-mo version of Blogger, but it benefits from the fact that itnot only can be updated from anywhere, but exists on the Scribble.nu servers (so you don’t have to worry about FTP-ing).
Meanwhile, the aforementioned not so soft just graciously linked to me for my earlier innocent plug. She seems pretty darn cool (and lives in the UK, to boot), and this proclamation is in spite of the fact that in my incessant skimming i haven’t even heard her talk about Ani yet. Not to mention her massive sidebar of quality links, of which i have only partaken in a few (wow, that was a strange sentence).
Toying with various parts of my crush layout as i actively avoid packing up to go home later tonite.
I am literally worrying myself sick.
I just got off the phone with my mother, and it seems that no matter how things turn out i’ll being going home tonight with all of my stuff in tow? Why? Because, as previously mentioned, i am essentially being screwed by everyone in the moving process except for my mother. Matt has disappeared for the day, and i hope he’s alright, but if he is then he has abit of explaining to do (in my opinion). The only thing i appear to have done wrong is take too much responsibilty on myself, which in turn didn’t force me to coordinate everything closely with Matt. So, when i assumed a plan was in motion (and it was on my end), it really wasn’t.
Meanwhile, i can’t decide whether the realitor “waiting until the check is cleared” is a good thing or a bad thing. If the guy isn’t giving me a load of BS, then it’s a good thing, since he does good business. Otherwise, he’s a lazy bum and he’s jerking me around.
No matter who is at fault for what, what it all comes down to is me, running a temperature, trying not to swallow, with hours of packing that would have been done tomorrow, and no lease even though it was meant to start today.