Netscape just crashed. I am utterly unsuprised. I’m not sure if the problem is Netscape itself or the Talkback program it launches after a crash, but i get an Ilegal Operation every time that absolutely won’t go away. Furthermore, the IllegalOp makes it impossible to CTRL-ALT-DELETE, which means i am just plain old stuck with any further problems. If it wasn’t for the fact that MSIEX has too many backwards “features” and a horrible email client, i might actually consider using it.
There’s a very interesting site that allows you to calculate your ecological footprint. While the information on how much of the Earth we suck up is rather sobering, i found out i only equal about .5 of a normal ecology hogging American! Go me!!! Now, if we eliminated half the world’s population and the rest of them only took up as much space as i do, we’d be on the right track.
Um, maybe that bit about not editting was a huge fucking lie. But, i’m not editting for content, just idiot mistakes that i made! Meanwhile, it apparently takes them a little while to add a site into their active directory, which means all of this has absolutely no effect on my treasured spot on the aforementioned list. And no, i refuse to link to it again at current time.
psycho bondage bunnies – And, yes, the last two posts indicate that illegal op has an unhealthy amount of influence over my life.
krisisPM: So, i got a Blogger.
krisisPM: I got it from your evil evil link. It is thusly your fault.
EMP750: LOL.
EMP750: You’re setting up a blog?
krisisPM: It’s all set up and running like a fat, sweaty, balding man on the 4th of july
EMP750: then you mean the page will be scary?