I should get a webcam, cause when i get good sleep i look dead sexy. mmm, dead sexy. i’m gonna go outside now and see if it holds up under direct sunlight. see ya.
by krisis
Comic Books, Drag Race, & Life in New Zealand
Krisis has been creating Crushing Krisis since 2000, writing songs since 1996, and reading comics since 1991. He is a Customer Success and Digital Brand Strategy executive, serial organizer, parent, and feminist, among other things. Based in Philly through 2017, he now resides in Wellington, NZ.
by krisis
I should get a webcam, cause when i get good sleep i look dead sexy. mmm, dead sexy. i’m gonna go outside now and see if it holds up under direct sunlight. see ya.
by krisis
whoa… pretty colours that i can’t read until i get back from studio. oh, and *riotHERO is back up. i promise to permanently link him later so that i’m not constantly kissing his ass… errr… linking him. grawr.
by krisis
It’s morning, and i’m awake. Go figure… after a quick web-check (with I-O down i usually make the rounds in under 20mins) i’m headed off to the studio for a quick non-musical project, and then back here to work on my german history paper. So, only one blog per hour is allowed! Enforce it!
by krisis
There should be, like, an elite P.B list that is tallied by the number of times you place in the top3 of the daily P.B. Cause, then i would be much less of a snob since May, Re, Mark, et al would beat me constantly. Yep, i could live the humble life then. Oh well… so much for that thought.
by krisis
Well, even with my mammoth 19hours of sleep, i think it might be time to hit the mattress once again. I uploaded some new lyrics to AMkitchen, but they’ve all been previously featured here at some point. Blah. If you catch me blogging more than once an hour tomorrow, kill me. I need to do work…