I wonder if this winter is going to be as wet as this summer… today continues the trend of almost daily rain (although now we’re starting to recover from today’s downpour). Last winter it only snowed harshly twice, with our classes cancelled once. College classes cancelled? We have a good many commuter students attending Drexel, some from the farflung reaches o Philly suburbs and New Jersey. Also, getting to class from this apartment in two to four feet of snow would not be a great joy. That reminds me, soon i’ve got to time how long it takes to get from here to the quad so i know how early i’ll need to get up this year.
WackyBrit : The Wackiest Brit Alive (I Think) paid me the ultimate compliment of visiting my site and actually talking about it! I’m not sure how he ascertained my intelligence based on all of yesterday’s moving-in updates, but i appreciate the sentiment none-the-less. I am cruising through his page now and i would invite you to do the same.
I’ve now lived in the apartment for a full 24hours. Very exciting stuff. I crashed rather early yesterday; a result of both my kinetic unpacking frenzy and my three hours fo sleep. The bunk bed was fairly comfortable, but i’ve got to many pillows piled on to it and they kept getting stuck under me at the wrong times. I wonder if Justin wound up doing anything interesting last night? I’m not due at my NSW meeting for another three hours…
Justin just swung by to lament about something or another… i think it had to do with girls. Conversations with Justin are always among the funniest i have, so i had quite a good time. Meanwhile, Matt and I are just idly living in our apartment. I showered and came to the conclusion that the window in the bathtub is going to provide for a lot of chilly showers in the winter. The music hasn’t stopped since we unpacked our cds. Right now we’re listening to Pearl jam and i’m trying not to say anything mean :)
There are two huge sheets of bubble wrap left over from my erstwhile box of blank cd cases that i decided i no longer need. Of course, rather than throw them out Matt and i have adopted one each, intending to pop every bubble before discarding them. Matt has had his beside him on the couch for at least an hour, and mine is acting as a foot rest at my computer station.
Does it get any better? If so, you better tell me now so i don’t have an aneurysm or something. (spelled courtesy of Matt’s grunge heavy CD collection)