by krisis
More mentions of the mysterious “IT” via our good friend Kevin at ABCnews doesn’t introduce anything new to the story other than an idiotic proposal that the device is a one-wheeled scooter (if it is, there’s something more to it than shown, if it’s gonna be $2000). CNet provides even less new info, but had much better reader commentary. But, you should probably go to if you’re really interested!
From the last article: When Kamen wanted to erect a wind turbine on North Dumpling [his island] and the state of New York objected, he seceded from the US. Though the secession has never been officially recognized, he signed a nonaggression pact with his friend, then-President George Bush, and enlisted Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s as “joint chiefs of ice cream.” North Dumpling has its own flag, its own anthem, a one-ship navy, and its own currency. One bill, which Kamen carries in his wallet, is the value of pi. “You can’t make change for it,” he says with a grin. “It’s a transcendental function.”
Skipping back to the IT post i just made, i’ve just uncovered some more info surrounding Dean Kamen, the reported genius at the helm of this revolutionary project. Even this article, grounded highly in fact and history, seems like something out of a James Bond movie. I am now officially “interested” in this project, so if you find any more info on it please send me to it!
What is IT? Mysteriously named Ginger and thought to be a form of personal transportation (rather than a cyborg spice girl), this radical new invention has received support and praise from such technology gurus as Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs and a $250,000 advance for the rights to the story. Sounds like he’s making some Jetson’s version of those Razor Scooters if you ask me, but please, judge for yourself! (link thieved from pants2k)