Because i have a minuscule, highly-atomic OCD-Godzilla tramping around in my soul, crushing tiny mitochondria like so-many prop houses made out of cardboard, i almost couldn’t allow the Roundup series to extend to the hideously prime 11.
Then i realized that this is the eleventh month of the year so it would totally make sense.
I’m still not completely at peace with it, but Godzilla has retreated back to his radioactive hidey-hole so i can get down to business.
209 S blogs between here and recording more new music and writing real content. 209. 209. 209. I should record a whole song of me saying it over and over and over.
Seriously, my Beatles Complete Scores book actually has the score for Revolution #9. As if anyone has that at the top of their list of Beatles songs to play out of the 200ish in the book.
Okay, now i’m just stalling. Although, that book was possibly the most satisfying $50 i’ve ever spent on myself.
But, hey, that’s a great idea! I’ll listen to a tiny fraction of every Beatles song chronologically for every S blog i read! If a song ends my time is up, and the blogger gets an honorary link for wasting my time holding my attention.
Although, more likely is that I might hear 2 whole seconds of some of them while i frantically click away!
Just kidding. I actually average 46 seconds of attention per blog, which means this should take me about three hours, and plenty of catchy choruses.