Hmm, or i could talk about what i’m supposed to be talking about.
I was asexual in high school, but it was more that i was being pulling in both directions than i was stuck in the middle. Everyone assumed i was gay because i liked shiny clothes and chick rock; i was desperately interested in girls who wouldn’t even begin to think of my not because they didn’t like me, but because i didn’t really qualify for romantic consideration. So, there was this one girl, and even though i had been rebuffed by her once or twice she had finally begun to see me as somewhat of an individual. With her seeing me as a person … an image of a person that was nearly what i was underneath all the assumptions, i thought that maybe i still had a chance with her (or, at least more of a chance than with anyone else). I’ll never know, though, because the day i wrote “Touch” was my last chance to cross that line between friend and otherwise (“can i fly faster than the silences, or cross miles past the line”). And, of course, “Under My Skin” is famously about when i finally kissed someone, but it’s about time to post another a/b-side, so you’ll have to hang on for that.
hi. i got my first viewer mail and it pertained to comments i made about drugs in the post where i talked about “goodbye.” response time. hi. i responded to you privately, but just because i seem to have been mislabeled as some kind of narc i’d like to point out that i support the decriminalization of marijuanna, controlled use of LSD, and the decrease in stringent ecstacy laws. None of those things might ever become a reality in the united states because you have a bunch of indulgent capitalist teenagers running amuck and ingesting anything anyone will hand to them, but it’s not really the government’s place to tell an adult whether or not s/he can smoke pot when s/he’s already allowed to drink, smoke tobacco, and own a firearm. Try that one on for size.
“Punk” happened one day, and i can’t really say it any way other than that. One day i was sitting in this very chair at this very computer having a conversation about not having very much of a voice back in highschool, and the next think i knew i was writing this song. I really didn’t have much of a voice in highschool… i was the loud and obnoxious one, and i had opinions, but i don’t know if i ever said what i felt and i know even less whether or not anyone was even listening. “Punk” is deceptively punk-rock and upbeat… maybe in highschool we all wanted to be a punk band, but it’s just the spirit of it that stuck around.