lukelog has a link to a wonderful article on the history of blogging. It’s rather interesting, and actually informative to boot.
hilary: there was a time, long ago, when i was good at research
krisis: there was a time long ago when i was intelligent. now i’m mostly just smart
hilary: i never really feel intimidated at DU…as long as i chill with humanities majors
krisis: yeah, same here. The thing is, i should be able to wrassle with Science majors, but i voluntarily dumbed down in that aspect in high school. I’m starting to thing that school did me more harm than good
hilary: mmm, wrassling with science majors, what a good idea
krisis: Only with some of them…
hilary: lol, oopse, been home too long
krisis: hehehe
krisis: I’ve resolved to date this year. Somehow. I am living the romantic life of a 12-year-old.
hilary: i believe you could do that
krisis: Live the life of a 12 year old, or date?
hilary: either, both
hilary: depends, are you going to see urban legend 2?
hilary: i think seeing the film sticks you in the 12yr old category. But then again, you could bring a date to it…. what am i saying…i can admit it, i watched the video music awards last night
krisis: Ha! I slept right through it! And damn proud. Not a single album i own got nominated, that i’m aware of. I see it as a great victory
hilary: see, you are not 12
krisis: Yes. More like 15. Relief.
hilary: see, 15 is good cause 19 yr olds can date you without trouble from the law
krisis: It’s like… half of me says “dude, if you wanted to date you would date, and since you aren’t you’re just biding your time” and the other half says “you’re so god damned pathetic, just get back in the basement where you’ve been hiding”
krisis: And while i’m hiding in the basement, i’m thinking “if i don’t start my emotional development now, when will i”
hilary: if you’re tourtured…its a sign you’re growing
So, my end of summer resolution is that i have to date this year. Yes, date. That doesn’t include randomly flirting with slightly inebriated people at parties, either. I’ve been on two (2) dates in my lifetime, and neither of them really turned out as a date. Blah. So, in accordance with yesterday’s revelation that i won’t ever get anywhere if i never try, i’m going to have to ask some people to go out with me this year. I’m trembling in fear, by the way. It’s a wonder that i can type.
Geeze, i’m so dull. I don’t see any reason why you’d be reading this. Really. I’ll gossip soon. but, in Other News, the phone company has now committed to coming on Monday! Since i won’t be home on Sunday or Monday, that means i only need to go one full day without phone/internet service!!!!!!! Whoo!!!!!!
So, i missed my weekly favourite songs listing last night in favour of sleep… sadly, the next two weeks are just going to be sketchy like that because of my new job. What is this job? Well… as you may or may not have gleaned from my incessant chatter, i worked for Drexel University this summer as an Orientation Leader. Our Orientation occurs smack in the middle of the summer months, and it is a day and a half long. There are six sessions that occur, and every Freshmen makes it to one of them. My job was to alternately be a guide and resource for groups of students (20 to 30) and parents. All of the 24 OLs lived together on the top floor of one of the dormitories, and we had a bunch of fun.
Now i’m headed into Orientation Part 2: New Student Week. Essentially, everybody gets here six days early and we drag them everywhere there is to go in Philadelphia, both on and off the campus. This time around all 2200+ students will be going at it all at once, so instead of 24 leaders there are 100. Not all of the original OLs applied for the job, but over a third of us wound up getting hired. 10 of the NSW leaders are Alpha-Leaders, who were chosen to act as coordinators for groups of nine other leaders each. We are the contact between the people from the University that are running things, and the students who are leading around Freshmen. Exciting, huh? Now at least you’ll know what i’m talking about when i say that i’m caught up in Orientation. Starting this week i need to be with the other Alphas to work out the kinks, and then next week it’ll be showtime. Again.