Every day can be the beginning of the rest of your life except for the day you die. And i’ve fucked up that marvelous quote. Updates coming now. Hold on for the ride.
Awoke about a half hour ago to do this days deeds (and leases). Won’t be back for nearly 10hours. Yes, i am very sad too. To make up for my absense, i promise to tell a story about sex when i get back. Or, tangentially related to it. A little. C ya.
Policy Change: anyone who says incredibly genuine things about Trio gets linked unless their site is borish. Bonus points if you say something about it on your (non-borish) blog.
This Girl’s Blog is well designed as all heck (but not quite fully functional in Netscape), and she’s right on the other side of the Virgo/Libra cusp from me. Check her out (hey hey hey).
Sorry, i couldn’t resist. Still listening to the Peter Mulvey CD. Yes, i know it’s 4:30am. Shutup.
Ugh. Just repacked all of my belongings like a speedfreak for a half hour and managed to eliminate another extraneous box! Whoo!!!! Now i’ve just got to get up in five hours, get a money order, pay my lease off, sign my lease, and go to work…. i’ve definitely been in worse situations before. I only got 1.5 hours of sleep for the first Orientation Session this summer. Hell… the only Session out of 6 that i got more than 2hours of sleep for was the session in which i broke my collarbone. Go figure.
Meanwhile, i encountered the strewn condoms again while repacking… they were trying to escape the little bath-bundle i shoved them into! Ahhh! Why must they be so rebellious? If you have no idea what i’m talking about, go hit the archive of last week. I desperately shoved them into the midst of a bag of Q-tips and put them back into the bath bundle before my cat could see what i was doing. I’ll add, as an update, that none of the many condoms have been used since then, but some of them have gone missing… apparently when left alone for that long spermicide develops sentience. Or, err, umm, isn’t that what it’s supposed to not do.
Oh well, i’m too sleepy to debate such things right now. The next three days promise to be hectic, so i’m unsure of how much this is going to be updated. Go read it from the beginning, i was much funnier two weeks ago than i am now. Of course, i keep saying that bit about not knowing how much i’ll update, and then i proceed to average an update every 45 minutes or so all day for four days straight. So, we’ll see. g’nite.
yes. very much, actually.