I can tell you right now that the phone company are a bunch of fucks. All this Verizon B.S. just means that they’re friendlier while doing even less for you. After making three calls to them today i didn’t manage to get my turn-on date (next friday) changed one bit. Aside from internet related things, i need a phone to be able to communicate with my mother and the two jobs i’ll be working next week, so that doesn’t please me too much.
Meanwhile, job#2 (the second bit of Orientation at Drexel) is piling the work onto me via the internet and i haven’t had the time to sit down and look at it before tonite. In the next hour or two i need to get in contact with my entire group of sub-leaders and inform them of who has which of my 225 students. fun fun fun. And, job #1 refused to give me a tentative schedule early, so i have no idea when i’ll be working next week. What i do know without a doubt is that there will be at least one time that my two employers will come into conflict either with each other or with my many doctor appointments. Blah…