I discovered in the midst of my near death experience with sarah mclachlan that my singing range has mysteriously increased by a whole step as of today. Which means that i was singing “building a mystery” at my current range, which is a whole step above what i assumed my range was at the time.
This is a significant event because i have a rather low range as compared to my speaking voice. Though i am willing to sing high (and i usually will take high harmony in impromptu all-male singalongs), the octave range i naturally defer to is the C below middle C. Which means generally i don’t get above middle C too often. In fact, my range is more like G to the G under middle C. An example of this is “touch,” which i could probably sing all the way through in the next highest octave.
The only way my range ever gets expanded is when i’m forced to sing along to a song that is above it. Usually doing the trick is Peter Mulvey, who has a range which is somewhat similar to Dave Matthews’ but without all the squeaking. Anyhow, hopefully this isn’t just a figment of my recently feverish existance and instead a permanent enhancement in my singing.