krisis: Now my mom is pitching one of those “are you sure you can trust this boy” fits.
Matt: well, tell her I’m sorry for having her go through this frustration, and that she can trust me since I have a crack-deal going down tonite, and that covers my rent for a few months
krisis: I was telling her something along those lines already, actually
Matt: are you talking about the crack or me being sorry?
Matt: or both?
krisis: …
krisis: (:
krisis: Did i mention how i am the #3 most powerful blogger on the face of the internet?
Matt: at least your number 3… otherwise, you wouldn’t get to stand on the pedastal with the other two.
Matt: it would suck to be #4.. almost there, but just not good enough
Matt: so how so kimo sabe?
krisis: whom?
Matt: how so compatriot… how are you #3?
krisis: Oh. By virtue of being trapped here sick all day with nothing to do but post.
Matt: oh, cool
Matt: well, not that you’re sick or trapped…
Matt signed off at 6:05:30 PM