HAHA! I am the first blog from the 26th to get listed in the blogger directory. I suppose that means i should write something interesting now… err… nevermind…
I just read Shafted. And, when i say i just read it, i really mean that i read every post ever made starting from March and ending two hours ago. After my literary journey, i have come to the realization that Shafted has changed for different reasons than everyone there seems to be giving. As much as i endeavored to bring good writing and intelligent thought to the main page, none of my posts seem to fit in with the ones surrounding them. But, we are an evolving crowd of people, and we all change our mannerisms to fit the needs of the rest of the community. Only time will tell if we are evolving into the proverbial dodo.
Have you ever wished that your tongue had a point on it so that you could pick your own teeth and scrape peanut butter from the roof of your mouth?
Me neither.
The nasty local “80’s, 90’s, and 70’s” radio station just redeemed itself by playing Billy Joel, David Bowie, and Melissa Etheridge in a row. Not only are all three good artists, but the songs they played weren’t the most obviously choices for radio, which makes me even happier. They were “Just a Fantasy” (my favourite Billy Joel song), “Changes,” and “Like I Do.” Eww… but the song that’s on now is some 80’s Stevie Nicks song where she sounds half dead and drunk. The synthesizers really help, tho…
So, “crushing krisis” might be less than gripping today, but that’s only because i have work and then am going straight to the Weezer concert! Yes, i had a reason to talk about Weezer in random posts all weekend. Ah, but the question of the day is this: Elastica and Joan Osborne are coming to the same tiny venu in the same week of October. Which one do i see???