Damnit, Firda has pitch about ten times better than mine. Where do these people get these voices that ring like bells? When this is all through i’m going to put some music to one of your songs like i did with Jehan back in the day.
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Comic Books, Drag Race, & Life in New Zealand
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Some things i noted while scanning my sponserees: Martha highlighted Dane as one of her sponsors; i just mailed him a starter-pack from the Admissions Office here at Drexel, and in return you had better believe he’s ready with lots of snappy patter to keep me awake tonight :p . Meanwhile, Tom is about as good at reading girl’s minds as i am (which is not at all, for those keeping track), and his first kiss story made me all crinkly. My more specific commentary can be found on his site, but rest assured that i’ll be talking about my first kiss when we get to the relevant song. And, for longtime readers, i promise to attack it from yet another new direction. Oh, yeah, and Rabi does shrooms.
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Well, i can deal with this because he’s a cute mouse. I’ve had two previous runins with the rodent… one late at night while Matt was here which resulted in me piling everything we own into the middle of the room and stalking around with a flip-flop in hand ready to lay out a smackdown, and the other during the first week i was dating Selina that resulted in my jogging to Selina’s place in record time and spending half the night on her dorm’s kitchen counter because i didn’t want my toes to touch the ground. This should teach me to always throw out old pizza boxes… even if they are empty and do not belong to me. Apparently they make nice houses. Also, i forget a mouse can get out of anything he can squeeze his head past, which made my entire scheme with the pizza box and the slipper and the bucket entirely pointless. Obviously i should go looking for flip-flops…
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“i’m growing nervous, i’m getting tired, my will to go on is expired” … no, it isn’t a song about blog-a-thon, it’s an except from “Icy Cold.” “Icy” was my pick for lead-in single, but wouldn’t you know my computer ate the most coherent version of it i’ve ever played, leaving me with this hoarse and clippy excuse for a song? Excuse me, i have to go put the Mouse in the bathtub where i can keep an eye on him.
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Um, i finally found the mouse. Sorry that i don’t have a backstory for this one, but i’m desperately trying to find a way to throw it out of the window without killing it. Or, at least, without feeling guilty about it.