TabCrawler – Your Premier Guitar Tabs & Bass Tabs Source
Internet guitar sites inspire a dilemma for me. As we all have figured out by now, i am a major completeness freak and like to own everything by any artist i truly love. As such, i have a total of 12 guitar/piano books by my favourite artists, and a few more on top of that. The books cure my incessant urge to know exactly how to play a song, even if i never will play it exactly. However, internet tab sites give away all of this for free, often straight out of said books. As someone who shelled out plenty of money for those books, but also as someone who tabbed out Tori Amos’s entire last album by ear in a week, i try to provide solid guitar chords for people while still leaving them a reason to buy a book. Or, alternately, i give them something the book can’t/won’t give them. However, guitar tabulature on the internet is even more dangerous than Napster, because it definitely takes away from a market, which is small to begin with. I still don’t know quite how i feel, but i do know that a better market will result in a better product, and i’ll be buying the product either way. Hrmph.