by krisis
The other night i inadvertently left Instant Messenger on while i slept, and i woke up in the morning to a blinking window from Ernie asking me if i really wanted to be part of the Peanut Gallery for BlindDateBlog.
Ernie’s webgames have come to feel like some sort of Fraternity to me, with each game representing a new pledge class, and i feel like we should all come back and serve to usher in our new brothers and sisters. Of course, i already did that once last summer. I told Ern that i was actually still interested, but the results of my getting involved could be mixed. On one hand i’d be serving alongside Choire, & Min Jung (among others). On the other, i’ve barely been able to tell anyone apart in my repeated attempts to peruse the game so far. PuppetMaster took up a lot of the slack time i had last year, but right now i don’t really have that, so i have no idea what the result will be.
Still, how can i resist being official colorful commentary on a game that will end up in two total strangers going on a first date chaperoned by Ernie. I mean, how can i?
Hi. I love my sidebar links dearly, yes i do. I also love the various SurvivorBlog and PuppetMaster alum who i read regularly despite my lack of linky love to them. However, i definitely need a few alternate reads … either your own blog that you don’t think i visit very often, or super-quality sites that it seems like i’m missing (with few exceptions: if i’ve never linked them and they aren’t on the sidebar, i don’t read them). So, fire away!
Yummers! — Pandora’s Boxers graduated from Geocities! Rock. Also: Roger Ebert chimes in on something i mentioned last week (via Fury), a muchly appreciated April Fools link via Firda, and Tom nearly gives me a heart attack. I mean, geeze, bloggers take this more seriously than they take Easter.